Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Asian Rabbit Workshop and Exhibition ‘Industrializing Small Scale Rabbit Farming’ 31 July 2010 – 4 August 2010

Rabbit is known as a prolific and fast growing animal that has the potential to produce a substantial amount of meat in both traditional and developed farmings. In an attempt to further developing the rabbit
production in Asia region, an Asian Rabbit Workshop and Exhibition : ’Industrializing Small Scalae Rabbit Farming’ is organized and will be held on 31st July – 4th August 2010, and is followed by a Post
Workshop Tour from 4th – 10 August 2010. This Workshop is organized by a collaboration of Indonesian
Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP = Balai Penelitian Ternak, Bogor), Directorate of Non-Ruminant Farmings (Direktorat Budidaya Ternak Non-Ruminansia, Jakarta), Office of Livetock Production
– Bogor City (Dinas Pertanian Kota Bogor), Office of Livestock and Fisheries Services of Bogor District
(Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bogor), Indonesian Rabbit Production Association (Himpunan Masyarakat Perkelincian Indonesia), Asian Rabbit Production Association and Hotel Salak –
the Heritage, Bogor.

The Workshop is aimed at improving the small scale rabbit production to pursue the small scale industry
type activity, which in turn is expected to improve welfare of small farmers, including better nutrition, more
additional income, provide job opportunity and also better care to the environment. Topics of the Workshop covers (1) Rabbit for Meat and Fur, (2) Rabbit for Pet, (3) Veterinary, Reproduction / Breeding
Technology, Nutrition, Meat and Fur Processing, (4) Policy on the Development of Rabbit Production.

There will be participants from Directorate General for Livestock Production, Office of Livestock Services,
Universities, Rabbit Farmers/ Industry/ Association, Scientists and Hobbyists. Overseas participants are invited from China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand and the Philippine and others.

The Workshop Organizing Committee is pleased to invite your participation in the Workshop and welcome
your papers for presentation. Paper guidelines :

1. Paper could be a review or research results dealing with the above topics focusing on the above theme. Papers should be written in English/Indonesian using Microsoft Word, Font Times New Roman, font size 12, A4-paper size (margin 2 cm top & bottom and 3 cm on left & 2 cm right). The full paper is no longer than 12 pages long.

2. All papers must be accompanied by one passport size color photograph together with a brief CV (less than 50 words).

3. All speakers, except the Invited speakers are allowed for 15 minutes presentation of their paper.

There will be some 2 x 2 m booths available for exhibition. No charge is applied, however donation is welcome. The OC will provide one table and 4 chairs for each booth. Banners and other necessary accessories should be prepared by the exhibitors.
Products for exhibition should be listed (type, numbers, mode of processing) and reported in advanced
and the Organizing Committee will manage the entry permit for quarantine etc.

The Venue :
Venues for the activities are planned to be at Hotel Salak-the Heritage and at the Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production. Both places are located in Bogor. Bogor is well-known as a rainy city, located about 60 km south of Jakarta-the capital city of Indonesia, midway between the mountain and heat-ridden plain. Its altitude is about 300 – 400 m above sea level. During July – August, the humidity is
70 – 85 % and the temperature is 22 – 30oC. Bogor is the world-famous for its Botanical Garden and the
Presidential Palace.

Tentative Agenda:

Rabbit Workshop Committee not later than 20th July 2010

NAME with title :_______________________________________________________

ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________


CITY, STATE & ZIP: ___________________________________________________


TELEPHONE: ________________________________________________________

I would like to attend (please choose) :
Training 1
Training 2
Exhibition of products
Workshop / Seminar
Post Workshop Tour

Rabbit Contest (please specify the breed and number of rabbits for contest_:
a. Locally bred rabbits : Rex  , , Giant-meat type  , Angora ,
Angora/Fuzzy Lop  , ND , Holland Lop
b. Imported breed : ND , Holland Lop

Accomodation :

For 31st July – 4th August,

There are many Hotels available in Bogor, from 2 – 4 stars with various charges (US$ 35 – 80)/double occupancy.

Please specify your preference.

Please also specify your time of arrival (date, time, Flight No, port of departure), to arrange for pick up
from the airport.

You will be informed on the transfer of your payment after you have sent your registration form.

Contact Person:
1. Dra. Susana Rakhmani susanawijaya@yahoo.com.au
2. Gusti Merdeka Putra, SE kaninchen_19@yahoo.com
3. Dr. Yono C. Raharjo raharjoyc2009@yahoo.com


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